Embracing the Social Media



In a span of a few years, social media has emerged as one of the most influential and vibrant communication tools across the globe.
Its influence can be seen from the fact that it was the main springboard that spurred the Arab spring contributing to bringing down tyrannical and dictatorial regimes in countries such as Egypt, Libya and Tunisia.
Spurred by the unprecedented growth of internet and smart phones, this ever growing and evolving medium has attracted billions of users around the world and has turned out to be an important source of information and communication through which governments, corporate establishments, religious and even individuals connect and engage with the masses. Even the ‘mainstream’ media has firmly embrace this tool of communication which a few years ago was seen to be an informal interaction channel limited within small social networks such as families and friends.
With a social media usage rate of 82 percent, Kenya is considered as one of the countries in the world with a high usage of the social media. More than ever twitter, Facebook, Whatsapp, Instagram and other social media platforms are the communication tools of choice for millions of techy savvy enthusiasts who spend a significant part of their time in discussions and engagements on various contemporary issues.
While the social media has been identified as one of the most phenomenon influential tools in the country, it is a case of regret that among Muslims especially scholars, Imams, mosques and Muslim organizations are are yet to realize the positive influence of this communication tool.
Statistics indicate that churches are spending more than 65 percent of their communication resources on the social media to engage with their congregations, but coming to Muslims, the figures remain negligible. It is hard to find mosques actively communicating with worshipers and the general public through the website or over the social media platforms while Imams apart from the Friday sermons, seldom interact with their congregation. Scholars who are the guiding light of the ummah have largely chosen to shun away from this platform where they could easily engage with the masses.
For many Muslims in the country, they can relate well with international scholars such as Dr. Bilal Phillips from Canada, Dr.ZakirNaik from India, Mufti Ismail Menk from Zimbabwe, due to their active and dedicated interactions on the social media rather than the local scholars who appear to linger in the analogue age.
At a time, when misconceptions on Islam and Muslims are prevalent and the thirst for information on Islam among non-Muslim increases, it becomes essential that Muslims play an important role in the mainstream and on the social media to reach out and engage with the masses.
Keeping away from this platform will only leave vulnerable minds especially young people at the mercy of deviant ideologies and enemies of Islam who misrepresent the true teachings of the faith.
It is imperative that mosques, scholars, Imams and Muslim organizations develop communication strategies to engage with the faithful and the public on various issues about the faith and the social media remains the most significant platform where a large body of the population can easily be found and engaged with minimal costs implications.
The media no doubt is a double edge sword but when used in the right manner, it can have tremendous positive impact to the soceity and this is where our Imams, scholars, mosques and organizations need up their game and through the social media connect, inspire and share with the masses for the greater good of the ummah and the society.


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