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MCA to table motion on ban of Miraa in Mombasa county



MCA to table motion on ban of sale and use Miraa and Muguka in Mombasa county ( Courtesy)

MOMBASA-—Nominated member of county assembly from Mombasa Fatuma Swaleh is set to table a motion in the assembly seeking to ban the sale and use of Miraa and Muguka in Mombasa.

She claimed that the use of this substances has wrecked many marriages and noted that married women from Mombasa are raising concerns over denial of conjugal rights by their partners .

“It is time we have Miraa and Muguka banned. It is destroying marriages in Mombasa,” she said.

Nominated MCA Fatuma Swaleh who is pushing for the ban. (Courtesy)

The MCA explained that extensive usage of this substances renders the users impotent and that she had support from fellow house members who had also noted the issue is of concern.

“I now have my fellow MCAs supporting me. This is a problem affecting most coastal people. I even have my male counterparts supporting me,” the MCA noted.

Fatuma further explained the cost of Muguka which is cheap was luring school children into the vice.

“Most peddlers sell Muguka at around 50 shillings, making it affordable to the school going children causing them to abuse it and miss out on attending classes as required,” she explained.

She revealed that she was to table the motion immediately the house resumes next month.




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