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Final vote hunt for both Jubilee and NASA as campaign ends



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NAIROBI—Jubilee and NASA have their final rallies scheduled today with only two days to the much anticipated  August 8th elections.

President Uhuru Kenyatta and his rival Raila Odinga have less than 24 hours to convince their supporters they have what it takes to be in the presidential race as campaigns close end of today.

In an effort to consolidate their support and energise their supporters with closing submissions, Jubilee will tour Nakuru county.

Jubilee had to re-organise its schedule after it emerged that NASA had already booked Uhuru Park for its final rally. Jubilee will now hold its final rally at Afraha Stadium in Nakuru.

The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) ordered all candidates to conclude their campaigns 48 hours before polling.

Other aspiring candidates are also keen to maximize the remaining hours to close in votes from their supporters.



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