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By: Hassan Yarrow
MOGADISHU—A number of social media influencers were arrested on Sunday evening for running campaign pitting the two major clans in Mogadishu city. The campaign dubbed “who owns Mogadishu” has garnered alot of attention across TikTok and YouTube.
According to the police, the influencers were allegedly using “their platforms to promote divisions along clan lines and stoke conflicts related to land and property ownership in Mogadishu.”
The suspects were charged with using TikTok’s Live feature to incite their audiences against each other.
“We will not tolerate any attempts to incite violence or undermine the stability of our city,” said a senior police official who spoke to Kulan Post on condition of annomity.
In a statement on Monday, the police stated that: “It will continue monitoring social media and addressing any such efforts to inflame tensions within the community.”
The police called on the public to refrain “from engaging with or sharing content that promotes clan-based rhetoric or disputes over ownership.”
“Our message is clear – Mogadishu belongs to all of us, and we will not allow anyone to divide us along clan lines or exploit these issues for their own gain,” the statement added.